Age of Intelligence: AI's Influence on Banking

Age of Intelligence: AI's Influence on Banking

Show notes

In this episode, Adrenaline’s Chief Brand Officer Juliet D’Ambrosio joins Gina Bleedorn as the new cohost of the Believe in Banking podcast, as Sean Keathley, the former CEO of Adrenaline, moves to an advisory capacity to focus on his health. In this discussion, Gina and Juliet explore artificial intelligence in banking and the opportunities it brings to transform banking experiences. They note how the past year has been pivotal as the next wave of generative AI rolls out with powerful tools, like ChatGPT. Their conversation covers current uses of AI for banking, such as chatbots for customer service, and outlines the operational and productivity gains for banks that adopt AI. They address how banking is already an AI frontrunner with the financial industry leading the way for AI adoption, with the potential to automate anywhere between 20% and 40% of banking tasks. Finally, Gina and Juliet discuss how artificial intelligence can free bankers from the rote aspects of their roles and allow them to focus on higher-value conversations and connections with customers.

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Gina Bleedorn

Gina Bleedorn

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Juliet D'Ambrosio

Juliet D'Ambrosio

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