Growing Community: A Conversation with David Trautman of Park National Bank, Pt 2

Growing Community: A Conversation with David Trautman of Park National Bank, Pt 2

Show notes

In Part 2 of their conversation, Sean and Gina welcome back David Trautman, chairman and CEO of Park National Bank. They discuss how a realignment and rebrand provided the bank the perfect platform for Park’s spirit of service, giving a streamlined and simplified brand for Park’s people to rally around. He addressed how launching during COVID continued on a tradition of steadiness in the storm for a bank that has always thrived during even the most chaotic times. Finally, David reveals why he believes so deeply in banking and how Park remains so committed to supporting people in all aspects of their lives.

This podcast is hosted by


Sean Keathley

Sean Keathley

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Gina Bleedorn

Gina Bleedorn

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David Trautman

David Trautman

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